Thursday, March 28, 2019

Happy Blogversary to me!

Looking at my posts yesterday, I realized that This Hoosier's Heritage began three years ago on March 23, 2019. It seems hard to believe that I have been blogging here for that long!

Happy Blogversary to me! 🎂🎂🎂

What is ironic about catching this genealogy blogging anniversary a few days late is that I missed it because of a genealogy-related vacation! Lol

I had just gotten back from vacation, and was getting caught up back at work. Also, trying to sort out all the wonderful information that I had found in Illinois.

Looking forward, I hope to keep telling the stories of my ancestors. I enjoy learning their stories, but also want to share them with their descendants. I believe it is just as important to know where you came from, as it is to discovering your path in life.

This Hoosier girl is proud of her heritage, and excited to learn even more! Come follow me, to learn more about my ancestors, history and more!